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Mapping FAQ

Read about some frequently asked questions about Atlas maps. For more answers, please join our 🛖 Discord server to ask questions and get answered. Beginners are welcome! Also, check out the Python API reference to learn more about Python integrations for Atlas.

How to set up the Nomic package?​

Install Nomic package​

  1. Install the nomic library in your Python environment. Virtual environments are recommended.
  2. pip install --upgrade nomic
  3. Import the nomic library.
  4. import nomic
    from nomic import atlas

Log into Nomic​

  1. Get your API key. You can obtain your API key at Make sure you already signed into Atlas in your browser at
  2. Log-in to your Nomic account in your Python code (or your terminal) with your API token:
  3. # in Python
    # in the terminal
    $ nomic login YOUR_API_TOKEN_HERE

How to work with dates and timestamps?​

Atlas will consider metadata as timestamps when they are passed as Python date or datetime objects. Under the hood, these are converted into timestamps compatible with the Apache Arrow standard. Remember, you can directly pass through pandas Dataframe objects and Arrow tables to the add_* endpoints.

How do I make new maps of a dataset I have already uploaded?​

You need to make a new index on the dataset you have uploaded your data to. See create_index in the API reference for details.

How to disable logging?​

Nomic utilizes the loguru module for logging. We recognize that logging can sometimes be annoying. You can disable or change the logging level by including the following snippet at the top of any script.

from loguru import logger
import sys
logger.add(sys.stderr, level="ERROR", filter='nomic')