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Learn how to get started with Atlas to structure your unstructured data.

Here you’ll learn how to set up your Atlas account, start uploading your own datasets, and how to build your first map.

Make an Atlas account

  1. Visit Nomic Atlas to sign up for a free account.

  2. Set up your Nomic Atlas organization. Your Atlas Organization stores any datasets you upload and allows you to invite collaborators to your datasets.

Uploading your unstructured dataset

  1. Go to your Atlas dashboard and click the “New Dataset” button.
  2. Drag-and-drop your dataset in to create a new Atlas Dataset.
  3. Screenshot showing where to click to drop a file
  4. Name your dataset and select the data field you are indexing.
  5. Note: The field you select for indexing will determine how Atlas organizes your dataset. It's usually the unstructured data field in your dataset like a text column.

    Screenshot showing the page to create a dataset
  6. Optional: Configure settings on your dataset to disable/enable topic modeling, duplicate detection and initial access permissions. You should be good to go with the defaults.
  7. Time to index your dataset! Depending on the size and modality of your data, the indexing process may take anywhere from minutes for under 500k datapoints to an hour for multi-million point datasets.