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Visualizing Maps of GitHub Commit Histories with Atlas

In this cookbook, we show how to automate the extraction, processing, and mapping of GitHub commits using Python and Nomic Atlas. You can also view this cookbook on our github.

We'll clone a GitHub repository, extract commit messages, and leverage Nomic Atlas to produce map of metadata, including the author, email, and timestamp of each commit message.

Getting Started

The above data map represents the history of the Linux Kernel, one of the largest GitHub repositories known with over one million commits (as of June 2024).

Exploring the dataset you can discover trends and patterns in the commit history. Filtering by timestamp, you can view commit messages from the designated timeframe, even as far back as 2005. This allows you to see how the type of kernel work being worked on changed semantically over time. Surprisingly, there are very few mentions of bug fixes but quite a few about legal compliance.

Mapping your own Github repository

On a high level, this cookbook code works as follows:

  1. Input any GitHub repository as directed by the terminal formatted
  2. It clones the repository to retrieve the commit history locally
  3. Either create a CSV file from it or directly load the commit history into an (AtlasDataset)[/reference/python-api/atlas-dataset]
  4. Finally, use the Nomic Atlas python sdk to create a data map over the commit message column of the dataset.

Cloning repository

The first step is to clone the GitHub repository locally.

import os
import subprocess

def clone_repo(repo_url, repo_path):
#Ensures that the repository has not been cloned previously
if not os.path.exists(repo_path):['git', 'clone', '--mirror', repo_url, repo_path])
else:['git', '-C', repo_path, 'fetch', '--all'])

Extracting commit messages

The next step is to extract the commit messages and metadata from the cloned repo. In this step the datetime library will be use to format the timestamp so it can be filtered when the map is created on Atlas. To extract the commit details "git log" is used

from datetime import datetime
import subprocess

def fetch_commits_from_local_repo(repo_path):
commit_list = []
result =
['git', '-C', repo_path, 'log', '--format=%H;%an;%ae;%ad;%s'],
#Splits commit messages
commits = result.stdout.strip().split('\n')
for i, commit in enumerate(commits, start=1):
hash, author, email, date, message = commit.split(';', 4)
date_obj = datetime.strptime(date, '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y %z')
formatted_date = date_obj.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
#Appends the formatted data to the list
'id': i,
'hash': hash,
'author': author,
'email': email,
'date': formatted_date,
'message': message
except ValueError as e:
#Skips any commits that may have an error
print(f"ValueError occurred on commit {i}: {e}. Skipping this commit.")
return commit_list

Saving repository as CSV

This part saves the commits extracted into a csv (comma-separated-values) file to be able to see the data in case there is a problem communicating the data between the code and Atlas

import csv

def save_commits_to_csv(commits, csv_filename):
#Opens csv file
with open(csv_filename, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
#Defines column names in the csv file
fieldnames = ['id', 'hash', 'author', 'email', 'date', 'message']
#Creates a DictWriter object with the csv file and the field names
writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=fieldnames)
#Writes the column names to the csv file
#Writes each commit to the csv file
for commit in commits:

Creating a map using atlas

Now, it is time to make the map on Nomic Atlas. However, before that it is necessary to set up your Nomic Atlas API Token by first getting it and then logging in with it

# --upgrade updates the nomic library specifically to ensure it is up-to-date
pip install --upgrade nomic
# Get your API token
nomic login
# Login with your API token
nomic login MY_API_TOKEN_HERE

Two functions are provided to create an Atlas map. The first function creates a map directly from the csv file and then the second function creates a csv file along with the map for debugging.

#Creates map from a list of commits
def create_commit_map_from_commits(commits, map_name):
#Checks if there are any commits
if not commits:
raise ValueError("No commits found.")
#Create an AtlasDataset with the given map name
dataset = AtlasDataset(
#Adds the commit data to the dataset
#Create an index for the dataset
map = dataset.create_index(
#Indexes by message
return map

#Creates map from a CSV file
def create_commit_map_from_csv(csv_filename, map_name):
data = []
#Opens the CSV file for reading
with open(csv_filename, newline='', encoding='utf-8') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
#Read each row of the CSV file into the data list
for row in reader:
#Check if there is any data in the CSV file
if not data:
raise ValueError("No data found in CSV file.")
#Create an AtlasDataset with the given map name
dataset = AtlasDataset(
#Add the data from the CSV file to the dataset
#Create an index for the dataset
map = dataset.create_index(
#Indexes by message
return map

Bringing it all together

Finally, the driver code. This prompts the user to enter the GitHub repository URL and decide whether to save commits to a CSV file. It then processes the repositories, fetches commits, and creates a commit map. It combines everything done in the previous sections to ultimately create the dataset and map.

if __name__ == "__main__":
#Prompts the user to enter GitHub repository URLs
repo_urls = input("Enter GitHub Repository URLs separated by commas: ").split(',')
#Prompts the user to decide whether to save commits to a CSV file
save_to_csv = input("Do you want to save commits to CSV? (yes/no): ").strip().lower() == 'yes'
all_commits = []
repo_names = []

#Creates a temporary directory
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as temp_dir:
for repo_url in repo_urls:
#Extracts the repository name from the URL
repo_name = repo_url.rstrip('/').split('/')[-1].strip()
repo_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, repo_name)

#Clones the repository and fetchs commits
clone_repo(repo_url.strip(), repo_path)
commits = fetch_commits_from_local_repo(repo_path)

#Appends fetched commits to the list
if commits:

#Checks if there are any commits
if all_commits:
#Combines repository names for the map name
combined_repo_names = '_'.join(repo_names)
if save_to_csv:
#Saves the commits to a CSV file
csv_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, f"{combined_repo_names}_commits.csv")
save_commits_to_csv(all_commits, csv_filename)
print(f"Combined commits have been saved to {csv_filename}")
map_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(csv_filename))[0]
#Creates a commit map from the CSV file
commit_map = create_commit_map_from_csv(csv_filename, map_name)
print(f"Commit map '{map_name}' has been created")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Error creating commit map: {e}")
#Creates a commit map from the list of commits
map_name = combined_repo_names
commit_map = create_commit_map_from_commits(all_commits, map_name)
print(f"Commit map '{map_name}' has been created")
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Error creating commit map: {e}")
print("No commits were found for the provided repositories.")

Exploring your map

After running the script, your commit map will be created in your Nomic Atlas account with the name of the GitHub Repository name that was inputted. Additionally, there is a link that will be outputted in the terminal which directs you to the created map.

Note: Maps for larger amounts of data rows (commits) take more time. Anticipate ~15 minutes for a repository with around 100k commits and ~40 minutes for the Linux Kernel. You will get an email once the map has been built over your dataset!