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Fast Retrieval with Resizable Embeddings

In this cookbook, we show how to perform retrieval using nomic-embed-text-v1.5, Nomic's open-source text encoder with a resizable output dimension. You can also view this cookbook on our github, and view more information for nomic-embed-text-v1.5 on HuggingFace.

With its resizable output dimension (minimum ~64 and maximum 768), nomic-embed-text-v1.5 gives users control and flexibility over the speed of using embedding vectors.

Getting Started

Make sure you have the necessary libraries installed:

pip install datasets nomic numpy

Embedding Wikipedia Documents

First, let's embed some text documents:

from datasets import load_dataset, Dataset
import nomic.embed as embed

wiki100k = Dataset.from_generator(lambda: load_dataset('wikimedia/wikipedia', '20231101.en', split='train', streaming=True).take(100_000))
wiki100k_embeddings = embed.text([row['text'][:1200] for row in wiki100k], model='nomic-embed-text-v1.5')['embeddings']

import numpy as np
wiki100k_embeddings = np.array(wiki100k_embeddings)
(100000, 768)

And embed a query:

def embed_query(query: str):
query = np.array(
return query

test_query = embed_query("tree data structures")

And search over our documents by comparing our query embedding with every other embedding:

def knn_scan(query, k=10): return np.argsort(query @ wiki100k_embeddings.T)[-k:]

full_top10 = knn_scan(test_query)
[doc[:100] for doc in wiki100k[full_top10]['text']]
['Gene structure is the organisation of specialised sequence elements within a gene. Genes contain mos',
'In computer science, an AVL tree (named after inventors Adelson-Velsky and Landis) is a self-balanci',
'In computer science, a binary search tree (BST), also called an ordered or sorted binary tree, is a ',
'An adaptive k-d tree is a tree for multidimensional points where successive levels may be split alon',
'In computer science, an (a,b) tree is a kind of balanced search tree.\n\nAn (a,b)-tree has all of its ',
'In computer science, a binary tree is a tree data structure in which each node has at most two child',
'XML documents have a hierarchical structure and can conceptually be interpreted as a tree structure,',
'In computer science, a B-tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that maintains sorted data and',
'TreeFam (Tree families database) is a database of phylogenetic trees of animal genes. It aims at dev',
'Tree Description Language (TreeDL) is a computer language for description of strictly-typed tree dat']

How long does it take to compare a query embedding with 100,000 768-dimensional embeddings?

import timeit

def timed(f, n=100):
ntime = timeit.timeit(f, number=n)
print(f'{ntime/n}s per run / {n/ntime} runs/sec')

timed(lambda: knn_scan(test_query))
0.0454774563999672s per run / 21.988916688856886 runs/sec

Now let's try smaller embeddings:

def truncated_scanner(embeddings, d):
truncated_embeddings = embeddings[:,:d]
truncated_embeddings /= np.linalg.norm(truncated_embeddings, axis=1)[np.newaxis].T
def trunc_knn(query, k=10):
trunc_query = query[:d]
trunc_query /= np.linalg.norm(trunc_query)
return np.argsort(trunc_query @ truncated_embeddings.T)[-k:]
return trunc_knn

knn_512d = truncated_scanner(wiki100k_embeddings, 512)
(100000, 512)
top10_512d = knn_512d(test_query)
len(set(top10_512d) & set(full_top10))
timed(lambda: knn_512d(test_query))
0.032940823050012114s per run / 30.357468557532968 runs/sec

That's a bit faster and gets almost all of the same answers for our query! What if we go smaller?

knn_256d = truncated_scanner(wiki100k_embeddings, 256)
top10_256d = knn_256d(test_query)
len(set(top10_256d) & set(full_top10))
(100000, 256)
timed(lambda: knn_256d(test_query))
0.02735897060003481s per run / 36.55108281006478 runs/sec

Even faster, but losing more accuracy now - we can recover most of this lost accuracy and keep most of the speedup by collecting extra smaller dimension results and reranking against the full size embeddings:

def reranking_scanner(embeddings, d):
truncated_embeddings = embeddings[:,:d]
truncated_embeddings /= np.linalg.norm(truncated_embeddings, axis=1)[np.newaxis].T
def rerank_knn(query, k=10, expand=10):
expanded_k = k * expand
trunc_query = query[:d]
trunc_query /= np.linalg.norm(trunc_query)
candidate_indices = np.argsort(trunc_query @ truncated_embeddings.T)[-expanded_k:]
full_d_candidates = embeddings[candidate_indices]
return candidate_indices[np.argsort(query @ full_d_candidates.T)][-k:]
return rerank_knn

rr_256d = reranking_scanner(wiki100k_embeddings, 256)
top10_rr256d = rr_256d(test_query)
len(set(top10_rr256d) & set(full_top10))
timed(lambda: rr_256d(test_query))
0.03115591519002919s per run / 32.096633782082876 runs/sec

Just as fast, but we've gotten all our accuracy back!