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You can interact with the Nomic Atlas API through HTTP requests, our official Python library or NodeJS library.

The Nomic Atlas API provides access to Nomic machine learning models and data structuring capabilities.

To install official Python bindings,

pip install nomic


The Atlas API provides two methods for authentication: refresh/bearer tokens and API keys.

All API key requests should include your API key in an Authorization HTTP header as follows:

Authorization: Bearer NOMIC_API_KEY

API keys are tied to specific users in your organization and usage is billed through your Nomic organization.

The Nomic Python Client and NodeJS client will accept a refresh token and handle generating new JWT bearer tokens on expiration. You can access refresh tokens for use with the Python or NodeJS client in the Atlas Dashboard.

Enterprise Authentication

Private deployments of Nomic Atlas require specifying a tenant domain during authentication.

nomic login enterprise --domain <refresh_token>

or in Python

import nomic